2008 will be a year we will NEVER forget. I honestly don't know whether to have a positive or negative outlook about this past year. What I can say is that I've learned a lot and most of all the Lord gives us each tiny miracles throughout times of trial.
So here goes: things I have learned for the year...
-always trust your gut feeling no matter what everyone around you is saying
-menopause sucks so give your mom or grandma a hug today
-change the belt on your vacuum. It works a lot better...who knew?
-sorrow can bring you closer to people than you ever thought possible
-I cannot put into words how much I've learned about Gregg this year and the love and patience he has for me.
Happenings of the year
-FRANCE of course! I know I'm just beating that into the ground, but it was awesome!
-Summer time was great this year...Yellowstone, girls camp, Rockport, no matter what it was we were going, going, going and I'd loved every minute of it.
-Twilight series. Actually I'm getting a little sick of it all and the reason it's on my list is because pale skin is back baby! Hmmm how long has it been...15th century?
-I got the wonderful opportunity of not one, but two surgeries this year. Yes it sucked, but it was nice to have finally have some answers.
-Quinn and Niki's wedding
-Two new additions...Jocelyn and Colby
-I finished another goal I had which was to read The Book of Mormon this year. I just finished on Monday and even though I've read it before, this time I had a lot more understanding.