Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adoption Terms

I wanted to post this chart of Negative and Preferred Terms to use when talking about adoption. Many people tend to use the wrong terminology so I wanted to share the "right way" to say things. The one that probably bothers me the most is when people say "gave up." That is Wrong, wrong, wrong! To "give up" is saying the birth moms don't want their children. In all actuality they DO want their babies very much...but they also want what's best and it's a very hard decision.

Negative Terms

Preferred Terms

Gave up her child for adoption

Placed her child for adoption

Real parent; natural parent

Birth parent, biological parent

Adoptive parent


His adopted child

His child


Born to unmarried parents


Child who was adopted

To keep

To parent

Adoptable child; available child

Waiting child

Foreign adoption

International adoption

Track down parents


Unwanted child

Child placed for adoption

Is adopted

Was adopted


Julie said...

great reminder :)

i am so sprry about your recent surgery, hope you are starting to feel better!

i lost your card, and desperately need an appointment! can i just call the salon?

a farmers wife and her real life said...

I agree with Julie...great reminder! Thanks for sharing with us.

Hopefully I'm not stepping on any toes or anything, but wanted to share this blog ( with you if you haven't stumbled across it. She can make me laugh and cry in one post.

And I'm sorry about your tonsils. I'm reminding mine to never give me trouble 'cause I don't think i could handle that surgery. Hope you're up to par for turkey today!

Tricia said...

I think it's great to get this sort of information out there to make people aware. It's so much better to be educated about real life stuff. If only everyone could hear the adoption talk that you shared with us. It was amazing!


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