Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Day

 I realized I haven't shared our story of how Emme came to us.  Like almost all adoption stories ours was a miracle.  Our story really started years ago, but I will start with the day we found out. 

Our case worker called on Sept. 1st and asked if she could bring some papers to sign because they were getting audited.  We had just barely moved to a different location so we thought nothing of it.  Adoption papers are never ending.  She asked how things were going and I said it was hard.  Waiting is hard.  She agreed, but said she believed in adoption karma and if you do all you can you will be blessed.  She then gave us the papers to sign.  We both quickly read through and initialed each line, but started to get a little confused towards the end.  See below....
We both looked up in shock and as I saw the tears in our case worker's eyes I knew it was true.  We were getting a baby girl.  I kept saying "I'm in shock!  I'm in shock!"  Could this really be true?!  Was our trial of 5 years really coming to an end?  and fast....

We were able to call Emme's aunt {J} and make arrangements for a few days later to meet her and {M}(our birth mom) in Idaho.  Yep, that's right!  Idaho!!  How cool is that?  

At Olive Garden a few days later Gregg and I arrived first.  I've never been so close to throwing up from nerves before.  We were so scared {M} would meet us and not like us.  The minute they came around the corner and we met, all nerves went away and all we felt was the comfort of the spirit.  We loved {M} from the second we met her.  Her and I have so much in common, and I could see how the Lord prepared us for each other.  We made plans to meet again so Gregg and I could meet the whole family.  It was nice to get to know Emme's birth family.  We felt very lucky.  {M} let us know that she had thought about it and wanted Gregg and I to be the first to hold the baby.  How amazing is she?  How did we get so lucky to have {M}?

We then had a week to prepare for baby and work out arrangements at work.  We both had butterflies all week.  Then back to Idaho we went.  Emme was born c-section bright and early.  Gregg and I waited in the recovery room and could hear Emme screaming.  It was so exciting.
Me waiting in the recovery room.  
They wheeled her out and she was all scrunched up and mad as heck.  Her cry was as cute as can be.
My first time holding her.

Gregg's first time holding her.
Mad at the doctor while he was doing his tests.
Showing {M} Emme for the first time.  
{M} was pretty sick from the c-section, poor thing. 
Feeding Emme later that day.
{M} taking a picture of Emme.  

Gregg and I have truly been blessed.  {M} has such an awesome family.  We felt so comfortable with them.  We're thankful we live in a time that adoptions are open and Emme will know her birth mom and the amazing person she is. 


Tricia said...

What an awesome story. I cried like a baby when I heard the news:) You guys are the perfect parents for this little sweetheart. Her birth mom is such an amazing and selfless person. I love Emme's supermodel pics in the prior post!

Lacey said...

oh lacey i am so happy for you guys! even if it was a long time coming it sounds like everything has turned out perfectly!

Jamie Ortega said...

Well you look great as a Mom. It's exciting to hear you have your own little miricle.

Staci Alexander said...

Wow...its like even though I have heard the story many times of how you guys came to find out that you were going to be parents to this precious baby, I practically just bawled when I was reading that last line of the papers that your social worker had you sign. I praise {M} and look up to her for making such a difficult decision and am so proud of her that she was able to do this.

Elena Banks said...

What a great story. I teared up hearing it again. I'm so happy for you guys.

Kimmie said...

I am so glad you put your story on here. I was reading it at work and started crying. I am so happy for you guys!

Julie said...

What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing!


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