Friday, December 11, 2009


Yes, there are seriously that many exclamation points in the title. Why? Because we deserve it. The state of Utah has found us fit to be parents. We are officially apparooved (target lady voice). Our computer is broken right now (brothers please help) and I have had this plan from the beginning that if we were approved I would attach the you tube video of the snl target lady. But since I'm blogging from my phone, I cannot make this happen. So please insert imagination here......

We encourage you to tell everyone you know we are adopting so our wait time is short as possible. We are more than ready to bring a baby into our home. This month marks the 4 yr mark that we have been working toward that goal. You can check out our Lds profile by visiting then click on adoptive families then type our names in the bottom. Also, you can view our blog at it's not quite finished, but with a broken computer and no time I can't do much about it. There is a button on the side if the blog and I would love if anyone who wants to could help us out by adding that to their own blog. Just copy the HTML and paste to where you want it. If you need help please let me know.

We are very excited! I didn't realize how much stress I was carrying about getting approved, until I got the email from our case worker at my girls night. I just started bawling and everyone thought someone got hurt. I couldn't even get out what happened. Sorry girls...I'll try harder next month. I'll finish by saying "best Christmas present this year!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adoption Terms

I wanted to post this chart of Negative and Preferred Terms to use when talking about adoption. Many people tend to use the wrong terminology so I wanted to share the "right way" to say things. The one that probably bothers me the most is when people say "gave up." That is Wrong, wrong, wrong! To "give up" is saying the birth moms don't want their children. In all actuality they DO want their babies very much...but they also want what's best and it's a very hard decision.

Negative Terms

Preferred Terms

Gave up her child for adoption

Placed her child for adoption

Real parent; natural parent

Birth parent, biological parent

Adoptive parent


His adopted child

His child


Born to unmarried parents


Child who was adopted

To keep

To parent

Adoptable child; available child

Waiting child

Foreign adoption

International adoption

Track down parents


Unwanted child

Child placed for adoption

Is adopted

Was adopted

Serve Me Up Some Humble Pie

Last Tuesday, the 17th, I bid adieu to my always annoying...tonsils. They have bothered me for years and years, but it seemed that every time I thought about getting them out, something else would come up. Well, the time finally came that I could stand them NO more. I scheduled the date, prepared my clients, and prepared I thought.
The doctor warned me it would be a pretty painful thing to go through and that I would have to take AT LEAST two weeks off work. I did as he said, but in my head I thought, "wow, I'm going to be pretty bored that last week."

It just so happened that Gregg's coworker got hers taken out a couple weeks before me. Her complaints were never ending, but Gregg and his manager assured me she was weak and that I am much tougher. It shouldn't be so bad for me. I agreed, because I deal with pain every day due to my endometriosis. I believed I was strong. I did have two surgeries just last year and they seemed simple enough. Bring on the pain! I am STRONG! Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is where the humble pie comes in....

OUCH FRIGGITY OUCH!!!! What the heck did they do to my MOUTH?! I knew I was in trouble when I woke up from surgery and already, I was in immense pain. I still tried to be strong and told the nurse it was a three on the pain scale. She supposedly gave me some morphine through my IV, but I felt nothing. She gave me a little more and still nothing...maybe, my IV was just poked through skin not the vein it was suppose to be, who knows? So after that she wheeled me through to the recovery area where Gregg was suppposed to meet me. The pain grew to a ten and I kept trying to tell the new nurse how much pain I was in, but something was wrong with their computers so she was busy on the phone taking care of that. After asking me twice who was here to get me, she finally went and got Gregg, which happend to be an hour after they told him they would come get him. When she finally listened that my pain was at a ten, she said "well, lets get you home then so you can take some painkillers." Um, HELLO!? Can't you shoot me up with some more of that morphine? I thought the first day of surgery was suppose to be painless. Man, was I wrong! It took until the middle of the night for the medicine to catch up to my pain.

The next few days were a blob of pain. I remember looking in my mouth and it looked like someone shot mildew all over it. My Uvula was GINORMOUS. It appeared like something out of a horror movie. Thankfully, my mom and dad came to take care of me after Gregg went back to work. I wasn't eating or drinking enough and taking the whole painkiller was too much for me. I started losing it. I kept seeing black and green dots and when I tried to write to my mom I couldn't remember how to spell anything. I would think of a word and spell a completely different one. Oh, and I almost passed out in the shower. My mom called the Dr. and they got me some nausea medicine and she forced me to drink even though it was excruciating. I later wrote Gregg and note saying, "Amy*(his co-worker), was not over exaggerating."

I'm slowly recovering as of right now. I'm not talking very well quite yet, hence the long post, but I just had to laugh at myself that I thought I was so tough! I wanted to make home made rolls for Thanksgiving and that's NOT happening. I even had tickets to see New Moon on opening night and thought for sure with enough drugs I could go. I completely underestimated the effects a tonsillectomy would have on me. Who knew two little things could cause so much grief?

Has there ever been a time in your life you've had to have some bitter Humble Pie?

Friday, November 13, 2009

November IS...

Most of you know (maybe not everyone) that Gregg and I are awaiting our approval to be parents through adoption. We are SO excited! November is National Adoption Month and we wanted to make everyone aware. Please pray for those hoping to adopt, but most importantly for Birth Mothers. They are truly AMAZING!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Blog!

I decided to make a blog for just our photography because: First of all, I'm a nerd...Second of all, I wanted to make the pictures bigger so the quality shined through better. Oh, and I'm a huge nerd and can't get enough. Oh wait, I think I already said that. So feel free to check it any time! It will not be private.

*just click on the button

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Fall fotos

What a great time of year to take photos! We weren't quite used to the sun going down so fast, so we lost a lot of our light before we were tired of taking pictures with Jossy. It made a couple of the photos a little grainy, but she still looks like a doll.

I love this pic of Makadee running on Halloween. I have a ton of other photos from that night with her, but I can't get them to upload. She posed like a champ for me.
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Happie Halloweenie

Another successful year of Halloween has come and gone. As you can see Gregg is Spock from Star Trek and I'm his girlfriend?. I'm not really sure what I was other than someone from Star Trek. Although, when my niece Kenzie asked me she wouldn't settle for that answer, so I told her I was Zoe. The rest of the night she kept running to us yelling "pock, pock, oee!" Cute girl!

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Disco Inferno

I'm trying to be good and catch up on what's going on in our lives. Can ya tell from the enormous amounts of posts today? Anyway, last Friday we were invited to a suprise birthday party for one of our friends, Tony. We had a blast! It's always fun to see that group of friends. I thought it would be great to put my hair in a fro, so thanks to one of the girls at work, we made it happen.
Yes, that is my real hair!
Us with Katrina and Tony
The guys
Katrina and me
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Leaves Are The Prettiest When They Die

I LOVE this time of year! Maybe, it's because we got engaged in October and it brings a reminder of butterflies and new beginnings. Or, maybe it's because I love to decorate my house with pumpkins, Indian Corn, and spider webs. OR, maybe it's because we love to dress up in costumes and see others do the same. Obviously, it's a combo of all of them. I hope everyone feels the same sense of high that I do this time of year!
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Moab = Love

*I stole this from Brad and Tricia's blog and made it applicable to ours. Thanks Trish! You're the best at writing!*

A few short weeks ago, Team High Anxiety left for Moab to embark on our first of many jeeping experiences. As you may have guessed, our team name came from the way we feel when we are four-wheeling. Moab has many easy trails to offer, but it also has some very difficult obstacles that require a lot of nerve. The jeep, nick-named Sweet Master (DON'T ask Lacey for an explanation), did great. The team, The Stabilizer (Brad), Heart Attack (Tricia), C.R. or Comic Relief (Gregg), and Stress Test (Lacey), did our best to keep our cool. We had such a great time. We packed in a night river trip, a few hikes, a few jeep trails, and a few obstacles into a few short days. Our greatest challenge was Porcupine Rim Trail. Tricia picked it out of a huge book of trails. This is the trail that Team High Anxiety earned their team name. It was a very narrow trail that dropped a few hundred feet off of the outside ledge. As you can guess, the jeep hugged the mountain side, but the trail was so narrow at times that you couldn't help but feel your heart racing. We finally found a part that we could turn around after about an hour. I don't think we'll try that one again! Team High Anxiety will move on to trails without cliffs, thank you very much. As always, I wish we could have stayed longer. Until next time...and next time we'll pack our Xanax!
They actually got me to drive on the trail called Fins and Things. It turned out to be super fun and it was hard to wipe the smile off my face.
Kenny's Climb
I took this picture while sitting in the Jeep next to the cliff on Porcupine Rim. We were only a few short feet from the edge most of the time.
This gives a good idea of how narrow it was.
I love the look of panic on Brad's face. Well, now I love the time I was scared to death because he was SUPPOSE to be the Stabilizer of the team. I guess tipping towards the edge of a cliff into a canyon will do that to people. Notice no one else is in the Jeep with him.
Balanced Rock
Delicate Arch
These shoes were made for hiking and that's just what they'll do...

Driving through Fallen Rock

Moab is SUPER exciting!

Dead Horse Point. It was so beautiful, but eerie how it got it's name.

Team High Anxiety

City of Rock On

My family has been talking about taking Gregg to City of Rocks since he joined the family 6yrs ago. (October marks the month we got engaged.) We FINALLY made it there. With the help of my mother and Gregg I made it to the top of one of the huge boulders. Don't worry that my four year old neice flew up it ahead of me. I have a fear of tumbling to my death so sue me!

*click on image to see it bigger*
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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Please Scroll Down

Please scroll down to my Idaho State Fair post! It took three weeks to finish it, so it is below all the the photography posts and because it was a such a pain to finally post, I want everyone to read it! Okay, you don't have to if you don't want to....but, you are soooo missing out.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Jackson Five plus One

This is my oldest brother Curtis' family. The boys did such a great job especially Bridger who HATES pictures.

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"J" Clan

This is my brother Kent's family. Thank goodness we took the photos when we did because the next day we awoke to a ton of snow. It's so nice to be able to tell your older brother what to do and he has to follow!

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