Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh Da Herc, How we Love Thee

We love you, you stinkin' cutie...but we have to admit you embarrass us sometimes. Like a couple days ago when I took you next door to the neighbors and you felt the need to mark their couch. Still, what would we do without your constant ball addiction and freak outs everytime you hear a door slam or meet a new person? Oh yes, we love you...
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Anonymous said...

Why do we love our pets so much?!?!?

Emily said...

Ha ha! sorry, thats not funny. Who's house was it? Someone in the ward?

Jackson's said...

oops... didn't see that one coming. hehe

Tricia said...

Oh, our little guy from Cocker Span Lucas (very close to Cabo San Lucas)! He really completes the team of canines in our family. They all have such funny and unique personalities. Probably because they are from different regions of the world... Mr. Riles (Maltshire), Costas (St. Beaglesburg), and Jackson (Lab Francisco)! Yes I'm kind of a dork, but clever and creative, too:)


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