Thursday, April 14, 2011


After placement of a child it takes six months to actually finalize an adoption. It's sort of a trial period where the agency has custody so they can make sure the baby has gone into a good home. You have three interviews during the six months one of which is a home visit. It's not too complicated, but MAN is it a relief when you are FINALLY able to take your baby to court and legally adopt them.

Our court time was bright and early on St. Patrick's Day.  We had to wake Emme up a good hour earlier than normal so by the time we actually made it to the court house she was exhausted.  She fell asleep in Gregg's arms right before we saw the judge and woke up right after it was all done just in time for pictures.  The judge said it was the first time that had ever happened to her.  She was suffering from ear infections at the time, but  was a champ the whole day.  Gregg's sister Staci was able to come with us and it was so nice to have her there.  Our judge did everything back in her chambers so there wasn't a lot of room to invite a ton of people. 

Everything went very smoothly and when our lawyer asked if I had bonded to Emme in the last six months I broke down crying with all the emotions of having our little joy.  Gregg also expressed his love for Emme and the blessing she is to us.  The judge even had Staci tell a few comments and she shared some sweet
things about Gregg and I and the parents we are. 

I know I've been a huge whiner on my last few posts, but I can honestly say I am so happy with life right now.  Yes, I have to be on a stupid medication, but I'm thankful there are stupid medications out there to help my body.  I believe one day we will all have perfect bodies without afflictions and boy do I look forward to that.  I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be a mom and to see Gregg as a dad.  I'm especially grateful for the choice of Emme's birth mom.  No words can explain the love Emme's birth family has for her.  I pray we give Emme the life they want for her and sacrificed so much for.
Asleep just in time for court.
Bink Face

With our judge after it was final!
With Staci and our judge.
With our lawyer who has also adopted two children.
Celebratory breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

Emme's aunt Stachi.  Yes, I call her Stachi.

Emme hanging out while we ate.

I love this picture of them.


Kristi said...

I abolutely LOVED reading this post and seeing all the cute pictures! Emme is sure lucky to have you two! She is such a doll! Congrats Alexander family!

Lacey said...

yay i am so happy for you guys! what a special day! she is so stinkin cute i can't get over it! i love the pic of you guys kissing her cheeks and her face is all squishy, LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Lacey! I'm happy for the both of you! Emme is so blessed to have such devoted and great parents to take care of her. I hope you continue to get and feel better as well.

SJW said...

Beautiful. I just read your post about Augmentin. When AnnMarie was 2 1/2, she had a UTI. The Urgent Care Doc prescribed Augmentin. Plain Idiot. Let's just say that 3 days later I was at the ER because my poor AnnMarie was lathargic from puking. I hate Augmentin.

Emily said...

I love, love that last picture! Emme looks so cute!! Congrats again, we are so happy for you!!!

Staci Alexander said...

That was such a great day! Thank you so much for letting me share it with you. I love her so much and don't know what i would do without your family! You all mean so much to me!


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