Monday, August 06, 2012

The Fourth Of July

It's probably been since I lived in Idaho that I've been to the square festivities in my home town so Gregg and I decided to take some time off and stay through the fourth. We started things off with fireworks the Saturday before and had a great relaxing time playing on the farm until the holiday.


Sage likes to sit in her new sister's car seat.  So funny.

How to entertain toddlers before the show.

Playing on the square.

She loves this girl.

Excited about the horses.

 She was so tired after the parade that she almost fell asleep on aunt Kashayla.  In the second picture she's giving me an annoyed look for bugging her.  You don't mess with Emme's sleep.

What summer is all about.
Pool Time!

Sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows.

She loves fireworks just like her momma.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

looks like you guys had a fun 4th!! Rupert over the 4th of July is pretty magical :) love the sparkler picture of you & Emme -- she's so cute!!!


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