Friday, February 25, 2011

new view

Things are going to change around here.

I've always worried about what people have thought about my blog. Maybe it was because I tended to be a little judgmental of others or maybe it's because I'm insecure. Who knows... I've come to realize that I can really only be me. To an extent I have been by sharing pictures, trips, and mostly recently adoption things, but I've left out a lot of the details of my struggles with infertility and the woes of my broken body. As I embark on yet another dose of a drug called Lupron, I've decided I need to get my feelings out if I'm going to make it through with a good attitude. Back when I discovered I had edometriosis I didn't really have anyone I could talk to or relate. Through the blog world I've found others going through similar things and it's helped me more than I could imagined. I thought about starting a new blog to focus on my endo and such, but in all honesty I have no extra time for that. I rather be playing with Emme. So things might be getting a little more personal up in here. If I can help one person suffer a little less than I did then I've done my job.


Lacey said...

that is a great idea! i think having someone there who understands what you are going through can help in ways unimaginable. you are great!

Kristi said...

I adore you! I'm about to start another round of it.. after Greg leaves. :(

Rachel said...

I think it's good to be open and personal. I'll be reading!

P.S. Emme is adorable.


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