Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You Will Read, and You Will Like It

Yep, I'm obsessed.  If you haven't read Hunger Games yet...DO!!  Gregg and I have been waiting a year for the final book in the series to come out.  The countdown is over and it came out yesterday.  I was at Borders first thing.  The lady at the register dug out a 50% coupon from the trash that she let me use so I bought Gregg one too so he wouldn't have to wait for me to read it.  It's that good.  Someone told me Costco had all three for 30 bucks, which is an amazing price.  GO. Buy. ENJOY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! I love that you bought 2! Thank you for lending me the first two they were pretty great and I'm excited for the 3rd! Jeph kept getting mad at me that I wouldn't put them down on our trip.


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