Wednesday, November 17, 2010


TWO WEEKS before we found out about our little one we were called into our bishop's office. We were new to the ward so we knew it must be to get new callings. I just knew I'd be put right back in Young Womens. I was a little more worried for Gregg though. They had just released the Gospel Doctrine teacher and I had a feeling he was in for it. (Gospel Doctrine is a Sunday School calling where you teach the adults. You HAVE to know your stuff.)

Well, survey says...DUO GOSPEL DOCTRINE TEACHERS. Um...como? My first thought was this is way over my capabilities, but then something popped into my head. I remembered a talk given in sacrament a few weeks before where the lady said Gospel Doctrine was her favorite calling because she was really blessed and guided in her teaching. We were scared to death, but both knew we needed to take the calling.

THE NEXT SUNDAY our cute five year old niece gave her first Primary talk in church. It was on modern day miracles and she mentioned that when her aunt and uncle received a baby it would prove that miracles happen. I realized there were a lot of people praying for Gregg and I and when we were blessed with a baby it would answer many prayers. Not just ours.

TUESDAY it was time for us to be set apart for our new calling. Meaning through the priesthood we would receive a blessing in giving us help in our calling. Gregg had his blessing first and the bishop said something interesting. He told Gregg that the Lord would grant the desires of his heart. I thought it odd something like that would be said because normally it's only about the calling. Next up was me. The second couselor in the bishopric gave me my blessing. Sure enough he said the exact same thing...that the Lord would grant the desires of my heart. I could only think of one thing that Gregg and I had in common that way and it was for sure not being teachers. EIGHT DAYS LATER we got news we would be parents in 13 short days. Miracle indeed!

I share this story knowing it's very personal. I've debated back and forth whether to make it public. In the end I felt I should share it.  There were many other personal experiences that I could see the Lord's hand in during that time. Our family is a prime example that our Heavenly Fathers knows us personally and has a plan for us.  Even though times can be very difficult beyond anything we thought we could survive , I KNOW it is for our growth and benefit.

My favorite talk from Oct. conference was by Elder Richard G. Scott.  In it he said....
“Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith” (Ether 12:6). Thus, every time you try your faith—that is, act in worthiness on an impression—you will receive the confirming evidence of the Spirit. As you walk to the boundary of your understanding into the twilight of uncertainty, exercising faith, you will be led to find solutions you would not obtain otherwise. With even your strongest faith, God will not always reward you immediately according to your desires. Rather, God will respond with what in His eternal plan is best for you, when it will yield the greatest advantage. Be thankful that sometimes God lets you struggle for a long time before that answer comes. That causes your faith to increase and your character to grow.

I'm now seeing that all the struggles we faced were for our advantage.  It was hard to have faith sometimes that everything would work out, but there were many times the spirit confirmed it would.  As hard as it was,  I'm thankful for that time I had to learn and grow before I became a mother.  So I guess what I'm saying is I AM THANKFUL GOD LET ME STRUGGLE.  But, I don't want to go through it again....  :)


Megan said...

I'm glad you shared your story. It reminds me I need to have a little more faith about some things in my life. And remember it's in the Lords hands and his time.

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Rachel said...

I think it's great to share experiences like this--it reinforces others' faith. Heavenly Father has commanded us "in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct Thy paths." Sounds like He was directing yours, and I think it's great that you are acknowledging Him!


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